Category: Transplant


Lung Transplant Clinic – What to Expect at your Appointment

Lung Transplant Clinic – Pre-Transplant Appointment I visit my Transplant Centre (The Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham) every three months as I am on the ‘active list’ for lungs. This means at any point I could be called and told they potentially have some lungs that may be suitable for me. I mention the word ‘potentially’ as there are still many reasons why the organs might not be transplanted at

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Organ Donation - the law is changing

Max and Keira’s Law | Changes To Organ Donation Register

Organ Donation Law Changes To ‘Opt-Out’ Today is a big day in the transplant world. 20th May 2020. The date that the presumed consent law comes into effect (for the UK) also known as Max and Keira’s Law. I like a good date. Not a romantic date, although one of those would be nice too, especially considering the current climate. But a date which looks good written down numerically. No

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Lung Transplants Are On Hold

Lung Transplants Paused Currently my whole life revolves around being in hospital, whilst permanently living in fear of catching Corona Virus. I’ve been unable to escape it; it’s all anyone talks about. And what else is there to do in hospital but feed the fear by watching TV and going on social media? “Try not to worry about it!” and “Distract yourself from what is going on!” is the well-meaning

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Organ Donation - the law is changing

Changes to the Organ Donation Law | BBC Radio Oxford interview

Organ Donation Law Changes After many(!) weeks in hospital, I got to spend six days at home! Yes, six whole days! Within two days of coming off the ivs, my sinuses flared up again and as per usual started infecting my chest. At this time I was connected by BBC Radio Oxford to give to see if I would be willing to give an interview. This would be a follow

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BBC South Today filming

South Today TV Interview

Part two of my ‘media day’ followed with BBC South Today filming me for an interview. After my radio interview earlier with BBC Oxford, I met Natalie Verney who was going to be coming to my house. We agreed she’d give me half an hour and then follow me. This gave me time to go home and take a moment to gather my thoughts and cram down a banana. When

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Kat Orman

BBC Oxford Radio Interview

With less than 24 hours notice, I was up and off to speak to BBC Radio Oxford. I knew I had to be there for my interview at 10am and that I would be speaking about my experiences on the transplant list, but other than that I didn’t know what to expect!  My boyfriend gave me the tip to warm up my mouth (!) before arriving to help loosen up

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Old fashioned TV

Oh shit, I’m gonna be on TV!

 In September last year I saw a post on one of the transplant Facebook groups asking for people waiting for lung transplants to help in organ donation awareness promotion. I’ve previously been quite reserved and shy about telling my story, but I figured if I was willing to receive an organ, I better change my attitude! I gave a radio interview to Jack FM which was a momentum fail. I’m

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