Press Coverage
Possibly the vainest thing I have ever compiled!
One day this page will be full of links to articles about me being the first person to make a million from sending clips to You’ve Been Framed, or making a Citizen’s Arrest. In the meantime, here are some links to coverage about lung transplantation and organ donation awareness. Incidentally I’ve not managed to get one clip featured on YBF! One day….
“All I want for Christmas is a lung transplant” | BBC South Today Oxford – 24th December 2019
“Organ donor plea from Oxford woman facing wait for new lung” | Oxford Mail – 24th December 2019
Oxford Mail article based on the press release questions I answered about Christmas on the transplant list – featuring the sprouts picture!
“Maybe it’s not going to be okay”| Oxford Mail – 12th September 2018
Oxford Mail article based on the press release about the list for lung transplants rising whilst every other organ is falling. Encouraging conversations on the topic of organ donation and making your views known, based on conversation with blood and transplant press office
“Lung transplant waiting lists up 46% in five years as donors get older” | NHS Blood & Transplant Press Office – 8th September 2018